Top Scams to Avoid in Pattaya, Thailand

Published: July 19, 2023 - Reading time: 11 minutes
» Updated: October 19, 2024

It must be said that Pattaya, and indeed most tourist areas in Thailand, are relatively safe. The chances of you falling victim to crime or fraud here are no higher than they might be in most Western cities. However, much depends on the activities that you decide to partake in and the company that you keep during your time here.

The minimum wage in Thailand is very meagre, which can spur some to look for creative solutions to their monetary woes. It certainly pays to use your head and have your wits about you when travelling to any international tourist destination.

We have put together the following list based on our experiences in Pattaya that can help you to avoid some of the most common scams that you might encounter during your stay here.

1. Pattaya Bar Girl Scams

One of the most common scams that foreigners encounter in Pattaya are so-called ‘bar girl scams’. Whether you meet a lady working in a beer bar, massage parlour, go-go bar, nightclub, or even through internet dating, we often see similar scenarios play out time and time again.

Pattaya bar girls

Click to learn more about our bar girl investigation service.

Let’s say you spend time with a lady working at a bar in Pattaya. You decide to form a relationship with her. At the end of your vacation, you return to your country and she promises not to go with any other customers… In our experience, the vast majority of these ladies will continue to sleep with customers despite having a boyfriend and promising not to.

Many of our clients find themselves becoming involved in romantic relationships with ladies that work in bars in Pattaya and subsequently instruct us to check their fidelity with a honeypot investigation (decoy service). Other ladies may claim to work 'normal jobs' in Pattaya while they in fact work in the nightlife industry. If you're not actually in the country with your girlfriend, it can be very difficult to tell without hiring a private investigator to check. We can conduct discreet surveillance to verify the lifestyle and activity of your partner while you're not around.

Another common bar girl scam in Pattaya is for ladies to have several different boyfriends at the same time. Some ladies might find themselves with half a dozen different sponsors who all believe they are the only man in her life. It may seem farfetched, but such cases are very common. We also see pregnancy scams occasionally and many other tricks used by bar girls.

Some ladies will trick their boyfriends into believing that they work a normal job while they actually work at a bar... Usually, the lady will take many photos of herself at a fake workplace in order to make this seem believable.

If your girlfriend is working in a Pattaya bar, massage parlour or go-go, then we can help check whether or not she is being faithful while you are out of town.

2. Taxi Scams

When you arrive in Thailand, it’s a good idea to get yourself a SIM card before leaving the airport. Getting a local SIM card will allow you to book taxis yourself without relying on Wi-fi by searching out taxi firms or by using ride-hailing apps.

If you rely on other people to arrange taxis for you, then you may find yourself paying middlemen fees along the way. For example, if you ask your hotel receptionist to book a taxi for you, then (s)he may possibly add on a small commission for their trouble.

Always Ask How Much When Entering a Taxi

Before sitting down in a taxi, it’s a good idea to ask your driver exactly how much he or she will charge you for the journey. After you have agreed on a fee, you can proceed with your journey.

If you are using ‘baht buses’ in Pattaya, however, this is one situation where you should not ask how much the journey will cost…

Baht Buses in Pattaya

If you are in Pattaya city for any length of time, then you will probably notice ‘baht buses’ cruising around the streets looking for customers.

Baht bus in Pattaya

Photo: A ‘baht bus’ carries passengers through Pattaya city.

Baht buses are pickup trucks that have been converted to include a seating area in the back of the truck. In Pattaya, they are typically blue in colour. These trucks circle around Pattaya in a big loop. Regardless of how long you are on a baht bus, you will need to pay the driver just 10 baht at the end of your ride.

The trick is to figure out which direction you are travelling in and get on a baht bus that is already going in that direction. Hail a baht bus and get on; when it's your stop, just push the button and hand the driver 10 baht. If you don't know which direction you are travelling in, simply use Google Maps on your phone – when the truck reaches your destination, you will know to push the button and get off.

On the other hand, if you speak to the driver before getting on a baht bus, then you will be privately hiring the truck from him, and the charge will be higher than 10 baht.

3. Hotel Room Valuables Scam

Many tourists tend to bring cash with them and electronics/tech or jewellery, which can add up to thousands of dollars in some cases. While thefts from hotel rooms are, in our experience, fairly rare, they can occasionally happen, and a wise precaution would be to lock your valuables up in a hotel room safe.

Keypad on a digital safe

If you are relying on a hotel room safe to protect your belongings, then it would be a good idea to first check how secure that safe really is. If the safe has a default admin password, then opening it could be as easy as typing in “12345” or “00000000” and pressing “unlock”. You can check whether this is the case by finding the model number of the safe in your room and Googling its admin and default passwords.

Some people even take an additional precaution of bringing an extra lock with them, which ensures that the safe door cannot be opened without their key.

If you are travelling with a large amount of money or valuables, then you might consider hiring a safety deposit box for the duration of your visit.

4. Pickpocketing

Pickpocketing is not nearly as much of an issue as you might believe after having read an outdated blog post or travel guide. The truth is you are probably more likely to get pickpocketed in somewhere like London or Prague than in Pattaya.

However, pickpocketing can occasionally happen, usually in areas with many people around, such as busy markets.

Common sense is usually the best form of protection. Don’t carry more cash than you need to on any given day, consider leaving some of your credit/debit cards in your hotel room as a backup, and don’t walk around wearing more gold jewellery than ‘Mr T’.

5. Rental Scams

So-called ‘jet ski scams in Thailand’ are a topic which has been discussed in depth by most travel blogs in the past decade.

Simple concept: You rent a jet ski, then on its return, the vendor finds some mysterious damage (usually on the underside of the jet ski that you could not see or inspect before renting it). Then you pay for that damage.

Riding a jet ski at sea

If you are renting a jet ski, motorbike, or car, it would be a good idea to go around the vehicle closely before hiring it and take a video that highlights any pre-existing damage. Check reviews for the rental company before using them, especially for jet skis.

The roads in Thailand are not for the faint-hearted. Consider whether your driving ability and understanding of the roads are up to the task. And double-check that your travel insurance will cover you for any injuries, especially if you are hiring a motorbike.

There are many forms of transport available in Pattaya, such as motorbike taxis, car taxis, baht buses (songthaews), taxi apps, etc. There is no need for most travellers to rent a car or motorbike. If you do decide to rent a car or motorbike, remember to bring suitable documents such as an international driving permit from your home country and insurance that will cover you in the event of a crash.

“Those Who Want Respect, Give Respect”

In Thailand, many accept the adage that “the first person to raise their voice has lost the argument.” Remember this if you ever encounter a problem or issue during your stay.

In Western cultures, many tend to respond to their problems by quickly getting very angry, raising their voice, and shouting abuse at the nearest person. In many parts of Asia, including Thailand, this approach may not always have the desired effect.

Keeping your composure and remaining calm will almost always result in the best outcome to any problem for everyone involved, not least yourself.

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The Pattaya Go-Go Bar Investigation: A Cautionary Tale

Published: October 8, 2024 - Reading time: 7 minutes
» Updated: October 19, 2024

I was recently contacted by a man, whom we'll call Tom, who had just returned from a two-week holiday in Pattaya, Thailand. During his trip, he met 'Nina', a striking woman working in a go-go bar. They clicked right away and spent nearly every day together. Nina confessed she had fallen in love with him, and Tom, swept up in the excitement of the holiday, believed her.

Nina reassured Tom that she “would not leave the bar with any other customer” and promised to stay faithful even after he returned home. She claimed she was deeply in love and swore she wouldn’t see anyone else. To back this up, Nina called Tom every night at the same time, saying she had just finished work and was back in her room. This routine continued for weeks after Tom returned home, and, at first, it gave him some peace of mind.

However, as time went on, Tom began to feel uneasy. The perfectly timed calls and Nina’s insistence on her loyalty started to raise doubts. Sensing something was off, Tom contacted me, a private investigator, to find out what was really going on.

Thai lady working in a go go bar

The Investigation

My first step was to visit the go-go bar where Nina worked. When I arrived, the mamasan (the bar’s manager) informed me that Nina wasn’t available, as she had already been “bar fined” for the evening. This meant she had left with a customer, despite what she had promised Tom. We continued with surveillance the next night and noticed a peculiar pattern.

The following evening, Nina arrived early, paid the bar fine herself, and left shortly after. She was closely followed, and it became clear she wasn’t returning to her room after work. Instead, she headed to an upscale hotel, where she spent the night with another man. This routine repeated itself over the next few days. Each evening, she would briefly check into the bar, make a quick call to Tom, and then leave to meet a different customer.

A Web of Lies

It became evident that Nina was juggling several relationships, all while convincing Tom she was committed to him alone. It’s likely she had multiple “boyfriends,” each believing they were the only one. She stayed in touch with them through messaging apps, sending regular updates and photos to maintain the illusion of exclusivity.

Nina had no intention of quitting her job or stopping her interactions with other guys. She was well-known among tourists and expats and clearly had no plans to change her lifestyle.

The Reality of Pattaya's Nightlife

Tom’s situation is, unfortunately, not unique. Many men visit Thailand, fall for a bar girl, and believe they’ve found something special. While some women working in these bars may fall in love, the reality is often more complex. Their work revolves around money, and unless they’re offered substantial financial support, they’re unlikely to stop seeing other customers.

In Nina’s case, she had no reason to leave her job. She earned good money from both her clients and men like Tom, who sent her money from abroad, thinking they were helping her out of love. Sadly, many women in this line of work juggle multiple relationships, leading each man to believe he’s the only one.

Financial Support: Is It Enough?

Some men think that offering financial support will encourage a woman to leave the nightlife and live a more conventional life. While this might happen in certain cases, it’s far from guaranteed. Many women accept the money and still continue their work, enjoying the income from various sources.

If you’re considering financially supporting someone in Pattaya’s nightlife, approach with caution. While it might seem like a way to help her leave the industry, there’s no guarantee she will remain loyal. Financial support alone may not change her lifestyle, especially if she’s used to the attention and money from multiple men.

Protect Yourself from Scams

Bar girl investigations

Before making any financial commitments, it’s crucial to do your homework. Private investigators like us can help you uncover the truth about her background, past relationships, and current activities. Our background checks and decoy service checks can reveal whether she’s genuinely devoted to you or if she’s involved with others.

We’ve handled many cases where women promised to leave the nightlife, only to continue seeing customers while collecting money from boyfriends abroad. With our help, you can avoid being taken advantage of and ensure your relationship is based on honesty.

If you’re unsure about your relationship or want more information about our services, we offer free quotes for all investigative work. Simply submit a support ticket through our website, and we’ll get back to you promptly.

In Closing

While some women who work in Pattaya’s bars may genuinely fall in love with their customers, many continue seeing others to support themselves and their families. It’s a complex world, and without significant financial backing, most women won’t have much reason to change their lifestyle.

Don’t leave your future to chance. Get the facts, and protect yourself from potential scams. We’re here to help you uncover the truth.

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Finding Love in a Pattaya Bar: John's Bar Girl Story

Published: February 2, 2024 - Reading time: 11 minutes
» Updated: September 2, 2024

In the neon red glow of Pattaya city's famed nightlife, where the air is rich with the aroma of street food, the chatter of various languages, and the allure of escapade, a peculiar love story unfolded between John, a western visitor, and Noi, a bar girl he met during his Thai vacation.

John, a man seeking adventure and a reprieve from the monotony of his life back home, found himself mesmerised by the vibrancy of Pattaya city. It was in the sultry evenings, buzzing with the energy of tourists and locals intermingling, that he first met Noi, who worked at a beer bar near to his hotel. John had drank in the bar most days and gradually started getting to know Noi more and more during his visits. She was grace personified amidst the boisterous backdrop of the bar where she worked. With her laughter echoing over the music and her eyes mirroring the city's sparkle, she was incandescent, and he, inexorably drawn to her.

Two Pattaya bar girls wearing black tank tops

As the nights turned into days and the days folded back into nights, what started as a holiday girlfriend, a tale as old as travel itself, deepened into something more profound. As they spend day after today together, John began to fall in love. 

Noi, with her sunny disposition and tales of dreams larger than the confines of the establishment's walls, very much seemed to reciprocate. It was not long that she began to profess her love for John and her desire for them to be in a serious relationship. Amidst promises and soft-spoken secrets, she told John that her interactions with customers were purely professional and that for him, she would make an exception. "For you, I not go with customer. I wait you come back" she had whispered, and he believed her. John believed that Noi would remain loyal to him and not leave the bar with any other customers while she waited for him to return 

Returning to his home country, the distance did little to dampen John's  feelings for Noi. They maintained contact through messages and calls, the connection seemingly growing stronger as days turned into weeks, then months. Noi would constantly send messages and photos to John, even calling at the same time every night after finishing work as 'proof' that she was not seeing other guys from the bar. 

Despite friends' warnings and the niggling doubts planted by stereotypes of fleeting holiday romances with bar girls, John clung to the belief that what they had was genuine, and that Noi was truly different from the other women.

Constantly keeping in touch with his new girlfriend Noi online, John started to make plans for the future. Noi told him that she wanted to get pregnant and build a small home in her village for them to live in. John began to save up money and prepare for a future together with her, even getting prices for land in her village.

A lady looking at her phone while working in a bar

As the weeks and months drew on, John became more and more besotted by her, whilst she continued to work in Pattaya. He believed that she was 'the one' and that they could spend the rest of their lives together.

However, deep down John has a feeling that something wasn't right, and the inner turmoil eventually got the better of him. He hired a private investigator in Pattaya, convincing himself that it was merely a formality, a way to squash the doubts once and for all, to fight for the love he felt they both deserved.

The results from the private investigator, however, were a testament to the darker side of Pattaya, a piercing through John's romantic vision to reveal a stark truth: Noi had continued to accept 'bar fines' from customers while she waited for his return. The photos and testimonials collected were indisputable; she continued to leave the bar with other customers, engaging in the very practice she had assured him was reserved for a life she had left behind.

In the time that John had returned back to his home in the United States, Noi had accepted bar fines from dozens and dozens of other men on a regular basis. After all, she was attractive and knew how to get the most from her clients.

Devastated but now armed with the truth, John was forced to confront not only the reality of Noi's lies but also the frailty of his own hopes. He had been swayed by desire and the exotic allure of a vacation romance, unwilling to see the signs that to Noi, he might have been just another customer, albeit one she had managed to enchant beyond the duration of a holiday.

The path that love takes is often unpredictable and fraught with lessons sometimes learned in pain and disappointment. John's affair with Noi, though rooted in genuine emotion, was also a journey through self-discovery, a realization that love can sometimes be a mirage, especially when found amid the seductive chaos of Pattaya's nightlife.

In the end, the waves that John felt for Noi gradually receded. He came to understand that while people can fall in love under the most unexpected circumstances, the real challenge is in discerning the authenticity of affections and separating them from a purely commercial 'pay for play' type of arrangement.

John decided to send Noi a chunk of money, followed by continued monthly payments, and tell her to move back to the village. While Noi did move back to the village, she was still communicating with her past customers through WhatsApp/LINE and hidden Facebook accounts that she had setup.

After several more months, John had managed to forgive her for her past actions, and when a piece of land in her village became available, he decided to wire over the cash to purchase it. After sending over 400,000 THB in addition to Noi's monthly support payments, several more weeks passed until John was able to take time off work in order to return and visit Noi.

John arranged to meet her on his arrival in the airport, and Noi assured him that she was dying to be reunited with him. When John's plane eventually touched down after the long-haul flight however, Noi was nowhere to be seen. John noticed that her WhatsApp profile photo had disappeared, indicating that he had been blocked. He tried to call her through Facebook messenger however he found himself blocked there too.

Eventually John realised what had happened and checked into his hotel room alone. Devastated, angry and upset, he decided that he wasn't going to let this go. John took a taxi up to her village, and used her address from a receipt that she had previously sent him to locate her house.

On arriving at Noi's house, John was greeted by a high fence and padlocked gate surrounding the property. She didn't seem to be there. John asked his taxi driver to speak with the local people, and they advised him that Noi had been living with a younger Australian man in the village, but that they had recently left to spend time on an island in southern Thailand.

While some bar girls are honest and true to their word, they are few and far between. And when a lady's income is derived from accepting 'bar fines' from various customers on a regular basis, the urge to continue doing that in order to earn money can be difficult to resist - especially if your 'boyfriend' is thousands of kilometres away with little chance of him finding out.

Dating a bar girl from Pattaya

Ultimately, bar girls are in their profession in order to earn money - with many seeing as many customers as possible in order to support themselves and their families.

Ladies working at a bar in Thailand

Bar girls typically look for their boyfriends to 'take care' of them and provide financial support in the form of a monthly allowance. However, in many cases seen by us, bar girls will continue to see other customers in-spite of receiving money from their boyfriends. Many ladies that work in bars will also try to have multiple boyfriends at the same time, often using multiple different social media profiles in order to achieve this.

Many bar girls will call their boyfriends every night after finishing work in order to show that they are sleeping in their own room. However, this measure can be easily defeated. For example, some ladies will only agree to 'short time' sessions with customers. Other times the lady will make a call to her boyfriend from the balcony or bathroom of her customer's hotel room... Or she might tell her customer that she needs to collect some clothes from her room before joining him - which provides her with the opportunity to call her boyfriend from her room, before sneaking off again.

For those wandering the streets of Pattaya, seeking connections in the ephemeral world between sundown and sunrise, this tale serves as a cautionary whisper: sometimes, the city that never sleeps may dream up illusions too compelling to question until daylight brings back reality.

Had John not chose to hire the services of a private investigator, then he may never have discovered what was really going on.

Honeytrap investigations in Thailand

At PattayaPI, we are experts at performing 'honeytrap' type investigations, which can be used to easily check the loyalty of your partner while you are outside the country.

There is nothing worse than the feeling that you are being lied to, and in many cases instructing a PI might be the only way for you to discover the truth of your relationship.

If your girlfriend is working in a bar then we can help to investigate her and test her loyalty. Our experienced detectives often conduct honeytrap investigations in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket, and all areas of Thailand. We offer free, no pressure quotes for all work. Feel free to tell us about your case and see how we can help.

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Reasons to hire a private investigator in Pattaya

Published: July 12, 2023 - Reading time: 8 minutes
» Updated: October 16, 2024

Pattaya Private Investigators logo

PattayaPI is a leading private detective agency based in Pattaya, Thailand. We can assist with all your investigative needs in Pattaya city, Jomtien, Chon Buri province, and even nearby islands such as Rayong, Koh Chang, Koh Lan, Koh Samet, and more. But what are some reasons you might need a private investigator in Pattaya? Let's explore in this article.

1. Cheating partner investigations

Pattaya, Thailand, is world-renowned for its vibrant nightlife scenes and is often referred to as 'the Ibiza of Asia.' However, beneath the surface of the city’s nightlife lies a darker side. ABC News estimated that around 50,000 sex workers were active in Pattaya before tourism was halted by COVID-19 [source].

Private investigators taking photos with a camera

With such a large number of nightlife workers packed into a small city, issues of infidelity can easily arise, particularly when alcohol and other substances are involved.

If someone is involved in the sex industry, they will likely never admit it to their partners. If your partner lives in or frequently visits Pattaya, a professional private investigator can help uncover the truth by investigating their lifestyle and activities. Infidelity connected to the sex industry is a common feature of cheating partner investigations that we conduct.

My girlfriend lives in Pattaya

Pattaya is notorious for its nightlife and red-light districts. If your girlfriend lives in Pattaya, it's natural to be concerned about her activities in such an environment.

Many foreign men become romantically involved with bar girls, who often claim: "I never leave the bar with customers! I only make money through tips and lady drinks!" However, we frequently find that these women still accept 'bar fines' and leave with customers despite their claims to the contrary.

Bar Girl Investigations in Pattaya

Learn more about Bar Girl Investigations.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship with someone in Pattaya whom you’ve never met in person, she might claim to work at a restaurant or a convenience store but could actually be involved in the nightlife industry. Most men think "this could never happen to me", but our experience shows that this assumption often leads to heartache. If a woman is working in the sex industry, she may fabricate a very convincing story to hide it. Discovering the truth from afar without hiring a private investigator to check can be nearly impossible.

Even women with 'normal jobs' in Pattaya have opportunities to earn from the nightlife scene, particularly by visiting 'freelancer-friendly' bars and clubs, where they can meet foreign clients. If you suspect infidelity, we can conduct surveillance to verify your partner's activities and lifestyle in Pattaya.

Honeypot investigations (decoy service)

Many of our clients find themselves involved in romantic relationships with women who work in Pattaya's nightlife scene. Often, they turn to us to check their partner's fidelity through a honeypot investigation (decoy service). In these cases, we use a decoy to test whether the partner is faithful. This service is particularly useful when a woman claims to work a 'normal job' but may actually be involved in Pattaya's bar scene or nightlife industry.

If you're not physically present in Thailand with your girlfriend, it can be hard to know the truth without professional help. We can conduct discreet surveillance to determine your partner's true lifestyle and activities while you're away.

My boyfriend or husband is visiting Pattaya

If your boyfriend or husband is visiting Pattaya, you might be worried about his activities while he's there. Frequently described as "the sex tourism capital of the world," Pattaya tempts many foreign men to indulge in its red-light districts during their visit.

A sign for foreign tourists advertising beers, girls and fun, without your wife

Whether he's visiting alone or with friends, your boyfriend or husband may adopt the mindset that "what happens in Pattaya stays in Pattaya." With cheap sexual services available throughout the city, this notion often holds unless his partner hires a private investigator to uncover the truth.

Contact us

We offer free quotes for all work. Feel free to get in touch with one of our experienced team members for more information and a free quote.

2. Background check investigations

Background checks are crucial in many situations. If you're in a relationship with a Thai person, for example, we can perform a premarital background check to verify their situation and circumstances. This can protect you from romance scams and help confirm your partner's credibility before marriage.

According to ThaiPBS, if you're in a relationship with a Thai lady that is currently married, then under Thai law you could be sued by her husband. We recommend performing a background check on Thai girlfriends for this reason, or at least checking her marriage/divorce history.

We also perform pre-hire checks for employers and corporate background checks. Whatever the situation, background checks help mitigate financial risks. Contact us for more information and a free quote on our background check services.

3. Business investigations

Doing business in Thailand, as with any country, requires due diligence. For foreigners especially, conducting thorough investigations before signing contracts or investing is essential. At PattayaPI, we have extensive experience with business investigations, due diligence, process serving, corporate surveillance, and more. Get in touch for advice and a free consultation.

4. Missing people investigations

PattayaPI has a long-established history of successfully locating missing people in Pattaya. However, our services extend across Thailand.

Missing person cases can be both challenging and rewarding. Each case is unique, and our approach is tailored to the circumstances and information provided. If you require help with a missing person case, please provide as much information as possible to help us understand your situation.

Thai girlfriend scams in Pattaya

Published: December 31, 2021 - Reading time: 9 minutes
» Updated: June 15, 2024

Are you looking for a girlfriend in Pattaya, or are you already dating a Thai girl that lives in Pattaya? Women from around Thailand travel to Pattaya for work and to meet foreign boyfriends. It has been said that there is nowhere in the world quite the same as Pattaya, for several different reasons.

Although this article focuses on ladies that work in Pattaya, it can also apply if your girlfriend lives in Phuket, Bangkok, Koh Samui, or any ‘tourist destination’ in Thailand which has a popular nightlife scene.

This article aims to shed light on some of the more common Thai girlfriend scams which we see in Pattaya and at other popular destinations in Thailand. You may read this article thinking that it could never happen to you, many guys that fall victim to scams harbour this sort of mentality. 

Being aware of common tricks and learning to ask questions can go a long way. If you believe that you are being scammed then a private detective can often help to find answers for you.

Bar girl scams in Pattaya

If your girlfriend is working at a bar in Pattaya then the odds that she will cheat on you and service other clients are extremely high. Many ladies will tell their boyfriends that they ‘never leave the bar with customers’, and in many cases their boyfriends actually believe this.

Asian lady on a busy street

Most bar girls are great at concealing their activities from their boyfriends, after all, it’s their job. Whether a bar girl calls you from the toilet of her customer’s hotel room to explain that she is ‘tired and going to bed’, or her ‘battery died’ and she wasn’t able to contact you for several hours… If your girlfriend works at a bar then don’t expect to find out if she is with other men unless you are actually in Thailand. 

It can be easy to fool your partner, even if you are speaking to them through the internet every day. How would you ever find out unless you are in Thailand seeing what is going on with your own eyes?

Bar girls are aware that their profession makes them unappealing to some foreigners, which is why they often conceal their work when searching for boyfriends through internet dating sites and apps.

If the lady is openly working in a bar (beer bar, or go-go bar, massage parlour, etc), then she will simply claim not to see any other customers. The reality of the situation is usually different.

We have seen many cases where our clients believed that their girlfriend had a ‘normal job’ in Pattaya however they were actually working full time at a bar. Other ladies may have regular jobs but ‘freelance’ at one of the many nightclubs or beer bars in Pattaya during the evenings and night time.

Internet dating a girl that lives in Pattaya

Many ladies that use internet dating will continue to meet with men until they have found a truly ‘serious relationship’ and a man that is able to support them adequately. If you have never met your Thai girlfriend in real life, or if you are not supporting her financially (and she is in a bad position financially), then the odds of this happening will be considerably higher.

Lady reading a smartphone

In Thai culture, many do not recognize a relationship as legitimate until a wedding has taken place. If you are not married to your Thai girlfriend and she perceives that your relationship with her is not serious, then she might continue to date other guys until a serious enough relationship materialises.

Another factor with internet dating is that you do not truly know the history and activities of your partner. For example, in one case we were asked to investigate a Thai lady that was attending university. It turned out that she was working at a bar in Pattaya.

In another case a lady that was internet dating a foreign man told him that she worked full time at a coffee shop. It turned out that she was not working at the coffee shop and instead worked at a bar... She used photos of herself wearing a barista uniform on social media to make the lie convincing.

Once a guy has fallen in love with a lady that he met through internet dating, he will be less likely to question the truthfulness of anything she says, telling lies can become extremely easy. 

Multiple boyfriend scams

The so-called multiple boyfriend scam is one of the oldest tricks in the book. For ladies that are working in bars, or any establishment where they meet foreigners on a regular basis, forging relationships and finding boyfriends can be easier than you might think. 


If a lady is young and good looking (or even if she’s not!) it can often be easy for a beautiful woman to find half a dozen foreigners that are eager to be with her - the internet can help to make finding customers even easier.

Every man will believe that he is the only guy in her life. Perhaps some of these men will send her an ‘allowance’ every month, some others might only buy her gifts occasionally or help out with money sometimes… Others may just fly over to Thailand and spend a lot of money on her during their vacations here.

We have even seen cases where a lady will have an older guy (or guys) sending her money, while she is living with a much younger foreign man that is perhaps easier on the eyes but in a worse position financially.

This type of scam is usually run in a very ‘long haul’ type of way… A lady will not start asking you for money right off the bat. She is more likely to speak with you regularly for several months or even years; eventually she may need help with money, and by this point your feelings for her will be strong enough that you don’t question what you are being told. 

Fake identity scams

Fake identity scams are romance scams whereby the scam artist will steal another person’s identity. They will typically scrape photos from a victim’s social media pages and then use those photos claiming the victim to be themselves.

Fake identity scams have erupted globally alongside the growth of internet dating, and we often see romance scams which involve fake identities.

Holding a mask

If you are speaking to a person over the internet and have never met them in real life then how can you ever really be sure who you are speaking to? We have seen many cases where our clients found it hard to believe that they have been scammed. Without seeking help, they may have spent more months or even years believing themselves to be in a relationship with a person that does not really exist. 

The perpetrators of fake identity scams are often not based in Thailand – you may find yourself speaking to a random person in an unknown country. You may think that something like this could never happen to you, but the unfortunate reality is that it does happen to many victims each year.

If you have any doubts about the identity of your partner then feel free to get in touch with us, we can help to verify their story and make sure that everything is as it should be.

We can help

PattayaPI are a leading detective agency based in Pattaya and covering most areas of Thailand.


If you suspect that your partner could be scamming or cheating on you then feel free to get in touch with one of our experienced team members – we offer free quotes for all work and all contact with us is strictly private & confidential. Please include as much information as possible with your inquiry so that we are able to understand your case and offer a quote if we are able to help.

Visit the PattayaPI Homepage for more information.

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