11 Signs Your Thai Girlfriend May Be Using You for Money

Published: September 19, 2021 - Reading time: 8 minutes
» Updated: October 16, 2024

In Thai culture, it is common for daughters to support their parents as they age. If you enter into a serious relationship with a Thai woman, a significant part of that responsibility may fall on your shoulders, extending beyond just her but also to her family.

If your partner does not have a stable income or a solid career, it is understandable that you may wish to provide her with financial support. However, there can come a time when some individuals may take advantage of their foreign partners. Based on our extensive experience as private investigators, we have compiled a list of the 11 key signs that your Thai girlfriend may be using you for monetary gain:

1. She Requests a Monthly Allowance

Many have encountered stories of Thai women receiving monthly allowances from their foreign partners. These allowances can range from 30,000 to 100,000 THB or even higher. If you are comfortable and financially capable of providing such support, that is your choice. However, if your girlfriend is demanding a substantial allowance, it raises questions about her intentions.

Thai woman receiving financial support

It's important to note that not all Thai women are responsible for supporting their families; affluent backgrounds may lessen these financial expectations. Yet, many women who date foreigners often come from less wealthy backgrounds, which may contribute to their requests for financial assistance.

As some might say, “If you are giving a monthly allowance, you might have more of an employer-employee relationship than a romantic one.” If your girlfriend insists on significant financial support, it may be worth questioning her genuine feelings towards you.

2. She Frequently Discusses Money

While discussions about finances are common, if your Thai girlfriend seems obsessed with money, discussing her friends’ wealth or their allowances excessively, it could signal a concerning focus on materialism rather than a genuine relationship.

3. She Shows No Interest in Marriage

Despite common misconceptions based on tourist hotspots, marriage holds significant cultural importance in Thailand. If you have been in a long-term relationship with your Thai partner and she exhibits no desire to marry, it may indicate a lack of commitment.

Gold engagement rings symbolising commitment

Marriage is a way to honour your relationship within her social circles, including her family and community. If she seems indifferent towards the idea of marriage, you might want to reconsider the dynamics of your relationship.

4. She Demands a Large Dowry/Sin Sod Payment

In Thai culture, a groom traditionally presents a dowry, known as “sin sod”, to his bride's family. This payment can range from 300,000 to over 1,000,000 THB, depending on the bride's background. If your girlfriend or her family expects a large sum, it might be prudent to question the motivations behind the relationship.

Remember, a dowry is intended as a gift, and once given, it is typically never returned. Be sure the relationship has a solid foundation before agreeing to any significant financial commitments.

5. She Drops Constant Hints for New Purchases

If your girlfriend frequently mentions needing new items—be it the latest phone, a new motorbike, or even household items—this could be an indication she is attempting to extract more money from you.

6. She Pressures You to Buy Her Gold

In Thailand, gold holds a different value compared to Western nations. With its high purity, Thai gold can be easily sold or pawned, making it a popular form of savings. While many Thai women appreciate gold jewellery, if your girlfriend insists on acquiring excessive amounts, it may raise suspicions about her motives.

Thai gold necklace

7. She is Never Satisfied with Your Contributions

Is your girlfriend always asking for more, never content with what you offer? If she expects extravagant gifts rather than appreciating smaller gestures, it could suggest she is more focused on what you can provide financially than on the relationship itself.

8. She Avoids Introducing You to Friends and Family

A genuine relationship typically involves introductions to close friends and family. If your girlfriend is reluctant to introduce you, it might indicate that she is not serious about you, possibly because she has other interests or relationships.

9. There is No Emotional Connection

Emotional connection is crucial for a healthy, lasting relationship. If your girlfriend shows little interest in your feelings, dreams, or challenges, focusing instead on material matters, this could be a sign she is primarily interested in financial benefits.

10. She is Indifferent to Your Needs

If she shows no concern when you face difficulties or seeks emotional support, and only demands your attention when she needs something, it signals a lack of genuine investment in your relationship.

Asian woman with a serious expression of concern on her face

11. She Refers to You as a Customer

Some women in Thailand's tourist areas view foreign men more as customers than partners. If your girlfriend refers to you as her “customer” (the Thai word is “lukkha”), it might indicate she perceives the relationship as transactional rather than romantic.

Assessing Your Relationship with Your Thai Girlfriend

If you are dating a Thai woman from a less affluent background, it is reasonable to expect that some financial support may be necessary. However, if you are uncomfortable sharing your wealth, you might consider dating someone from a more financially stable background.

Moreover, if your girlfriend is significantly younger than you, there may be a higher likelihood that she is interested in the relationship for financial gain.

Thai lady holding a flower

When supporting a Thai partner, consider how your contributions are spent. The saying “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime” rings true. Instead of simply providing financial support, consider ways to empower her, such as helping her pursue education or start her own business.

Every individual is unique, and relationships vary significantly. Providing universally applicable advice on relationships with Thai women is a challenge.

Evaluate Your Concerns

If you suspect your Thai girlfriend is unfaithful or taking advantage of you financially, seeking professional assistance may provide clarity. We can perform a background check to check details surrounding your partner's lifestyle and history. Our services can often save clients far more than what they might spend on a partner's upkeep.

We offer free quotes for all our services. Feel free to contact one of our experienced team members for advice and assistance. For surveillance inquiries, we require details regarding your girlfriend's location and any relevant information about the situation. All interactions with us remain confidential.

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